[Development project for Morioka City’s first roadside station, rest stop and service area]
The project is organized using axes aligned towards two significant mountains of Iwate Prefecture: Mount Iwate and Mount Himekami. A village-like atmosphere is created by using timber from the forests of Shibutami, a town within Morioka City which is the hometown of the famous poet Takuboku Ishikawa.
This proposal was awarded as the 2021 design competition winner.

Data Sheet
conception and designSUGAWARADAISUKE Architects Inc.
(Daisuke Sugawara, Yuki Nakao) -
Plan/SurfaceKamijo Fukushima and Associates
CoordinationPacific Consultants Co., Ltd.
logo designPass CO.,LTD.
locationMorioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Completion yearScheduled for completion in 2023
OperatorMorioka City